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Capture d’écran 2019-01-30 à

This project is using the front camera of the computer for live video. A Dot actor turns the image into dots, and a mechanical switch on the desk can be used to turn the dots into boxes when pressed. A Colorizer actor adds the bluish color.


The CPU video is then converted to CI to allow the use of CI Twirl Distortion, which adds the whirly vortex effect. CI is then converted back to CPU, and image is flipped with the Flip actor before running it through the Projector. So, when you move in front of the screen, the dots move and create different patterns (and when you press the switch, the dots change into boxes to create a slightly different effect.)


I wanted to create something cyberpunkish, but the result is rather abstract. It’s quite relaxing to stare at the swirling dots on the screen.

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